Each week, students access an assignment sheet (sample) and supporting documents online through Edmodo (explained below). Students generally have flexibility in how they spread the work out across the week.
After completing each assignment, students are responsible for checking their work against the solutions (also posted on Edmodo) and making corrections. I am available during the week to answer student questions through Edmodo or by phone, and students are always encouraged ask questions!
Students turn in the weekly homework as a packet at the next class meeting and receive it back the following week with feedback. The homework is required, but not scored for inclusion in the grade since I consider it to be practice.
Edmodo is an online tool which provides a safe and secure environment in which I can communicate with students, students can communicate with me or the whole class, and assignments and solutions can be distributed.

Weekly assignment and solutions folders in Edmodo
Each student will need to create an account in Edmodo (no cost) and will receive a code from me that enables the student to join our closed group. Parents may choose to have an associated account through which they may view all direct communication between the teacher and the student. Please let me know if you have any questions about Edmodo and how we will be using it.