Electronic Data Collection



IMG_0972A LabPro interface, 3-axis accelerometer, and barometer are inserted into the pockets of the data collection vest. The rider wears the vest on the amusement park ride to collect electronic data.

The photo shows the Interface (and accelerometer) outside of its pocket, but in the same orientation it had when inside the pocket.  A clear plastic window at the top of the LabPro pocket enables the rider to push the “start” button to begin data collection when desired.


The 3-axis accelerometer is taped to the front of the LabPro so that it would be oriented as vertically as possible when collecting data.  When a person is wearing the vest with the sensors, the 3-axis accelerometer is oriented relative to the person as follows:

  • + y-axis: Vertical — upward toward the person’s head
  • + x-axis: Lateral — toward the person’s left arm
  • + z-axis: Longitudinal — outward directly in front of the person

These orientations must be kept in mind when interpreting the electronic data!


The barometer measures air pressure, which decreases with increasing altitude. The LoggerPro file used to set up data collection automatically calculates the height from the altitude data displays a graph of height vs. time.